How do I improve Pinterest marketing? Pinterest Marketing Strategies

  1. Sign up for a business account.
  2. Choose the right categories for your content.
  3. Use unique images and videos.
  4. Leverage keywords.
  5. Add hashtags to your content.
  6. Share your content on other social networks.
  7. Follow, engage, and interact with other accounts.
  8. Use social media best practices.
  9. Analyze your results. These 9 Pinterest marketing strategies hold value for businesses of any size, in any industry. This universal approach to marketing is one reason Pinterest is such a valuable social media tool.

1. Sign up for a business account.

To market to your target audience, you should create a Pinterest business account. As mentioned, this free account provides you with access to Pinterest Analytics (which we’ll review in more detail shortly) and other handy marketing features such as a profile that clearly states you’re a business, Pinterest widgets, and Pinterest tag. If you already have a Pinterest account and want to convert it into a Pinterest business account, you can also do that without losing any of your content or work.

Note: If you’re looking to enhance your business account and run ads on Pinterest, you can do so by upgrading your account — and setting up your method of payment because this part of Pinterest is not free — to target your audience more aggressively with the help of the platform’s Ads Manager.

2. Choose the right categories for your content.

By choosing the right category for your content to be shared in, your Pins and boards will become more searchable for users looking to discover content similar to that of your business. Users can search for specific categories on Pinterest or simply go to the “Categories” section of any profile on the platform to view all content related to the topic they’re searching for. Some of the most popular Pinterest categories include travel, health and wellness, and beauty.

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3. Use unique images and videos.

Similar to other social networks, Pinterest contains a plethora of images and videos. Not only do you want to ensure you’re posting images and videos that will help you promote your brand and market your products/ services, but you’ll also want to ensure they stand out against all of the others on the platform. Otherwise, why would a user choose to follow you over your competition?

Here are some ways to ensure you’re sharing great and unique visual content on Pinterest:

  • Use branded images without faces — these receive 23% more Pins on the platform than those with faces.
  • Create and share branded videos to promote your products and company. 75% of Pinterest users say they’re likely to watch branded videos about topics that interest them.
  • Pay to use Pinterest’s Promoted Video feature if you have the budget.
  • Share images and videos that show your products in action so viewers can more easily envision themselves using them.
  • Avoid excessive blank (or white) space in your images — images with 30% less blank space in the background are pinned most.
  • Create videos between 30-90 seconds long because they’re proven to have the highest performance.
  • Create specific boards to share images of your company’s most helpful data visualizations and infographics if you have them for your audience to use as resources for their businesses.

4. Leverage keywords.

By using keywords throughout your profile, posts, Pins, and boards, you’ll be more likely to organically appear in users’ feeds and searches. Keywords and phrases on Pinterest are related to specific niches being searched by users.

For example, if you sell suitcases, you might use keywords and phrases like “vacation” or “going on a trip” throughout your profile and Pins. This way, when a user searches one of those terms, your profile and images of your suitcases will appear on their feeds.

Here are some locations in which you can insert keywords on Pinterest to improve your chances of organically ranking through search:

  • Bio and profile
  • Pin descriptions
  • Board titles
  • Board descriptions
  • Image-Alt-Text

For those of you who choose to pay for Pinterest ads, there’s also an option to use the platform’s keyword targeting tool to help you reach your audience through your ads.

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5. add hashtags to your content.

Hashtags — which are keywords and phrases preceded by the “#” symbol — are another great way for you to organically market to and reach your target audience. Hashtags on Pinterest work the same way they do on most other social media sites (like Instagram, for example) and when leveraged, make your content more search-friendly.

Hashtags on Pinterest are used to help users identify Pins and boards about a specific topic they’re searching for. When users click on a hashtag you include on a Pins, they’re brought to a page in which they can view all content ever posted on the platform tagged with that specific hashtag. You should add hashtags to your Pins, boards, and promoted content (if you have any) to ensure the greatest amount of visibility.

6. Share your content on other social networks.

To promote your Pinterest account and content, you should share your Pins, images, and videos in other areas to improve your chances of being seen and followed. For example, you can claim your business’ Pinterest account on Instagram, Etsy, and YouTube so your followers can easily learn about the other platforms you’re on and how they can view more of your content. Additionally, claiming your account will provide access to analytics and data on all of these Pins so you can see the other networks your audience is most interested in.

You can also link your Pinterest profile to your Facebook and Google accounts so you can easily add and find friends, share content across networks, speed up your login on all accounts, and backup your profile in case you lose or forget your password details.

7. Follow, engage, and interact with other accounts.

When you follow and interact with other Pinterest users and their accounts, you’re able to initiate and maintain personal relationships between them and your business. This type of engagement has the potential to make your followers feel a level of loyalty towards your brand that keeps them coming back to your profile for inspiration, ideas, and to buy products. Health And Fitness Of Human

Here are four ways you can build strong and lasting relationships with your target audience through your marketing tactics on Pinterest:

  • Follow new accounts of users who state or show they have interests related to the work your business does and the content you post (you can do this by searching keywords and hashtags or reviewing the people who follow your current audience members).
  • Re-Pin, Like, and comment on the content your followers and fans share.
  • Respond to the messages your followers write on your content to personalize their experience on your profile and make them feel heard.
  • Create engaging posts that showcase your expertise in your industry, teach your followers how to do something, or get them involved (in a giveaway or contest for example).

8. Use social media best practices.

When using Pinterest, be sure to follow the same social media practices you would on other social networks. Examples of this include remembering to interact and engage with your followers, regularly post to (and update) your account, and avoid blatant self-promotion that feels pushy and forced to your audience.

Additionally, you can focus on the following five best practices to boost engagement on Pinterest.

  • Encourage your followers to feature your brand in their content (and maybe offer to repost them or re-Pin their content if they do).
  • Provide your audience with an incentive — such as a prize — for choosing to follow and interact with you as well as create posts featuring your products and branding.
  • Offer your audience discount codes, coupons, as well as details about your latest products, and updates to existing products to keep them coming back to your profile.
  • Ensure your content is helpful and useful for your audience members — all content should have a purpose and/ or meaning.
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9. Analyze your results.

If you’re putting all of this effort into marketing on Pinterest, it’s probably safe to assume you’re going to want to ensure the work you’re doing improves your business’ conversions and brand awareness.

So, you’ll need to analyze the results of your Pinterest marketing efforts to keep track of your referral traffic, the number of engagements leads generated, and anything else you’re interested in learning more about. The easiest way to do this is through Pinterest Analytics.

Pinterest Analytics provides you with four major types of information including:

  • Metrics about your profile as a whole.
  • Insights about the number of people who save and re-Pin your content.
  • Platform metrics to understand how people interact with your content via both desktop or mobile.
  • Data about your most popular Pins.

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