The best ways to keep fit and healthy in your 40s and 50s


Many of us find that as we get older, it gets harder to stay in control of our bodies. Our lifestyles, daily routines and even our bodies change - and this affects our weight and fitness aptitudes.

The problem with exercise is that it’s a slippery slope - if you don’t maintain your fitness routinemaintain your fitness routine it’s easy to fall off schedule and then even harder to start a regime back up again.

It can also prove tricky to strike the right balance between exercising to our full potential and nursing old injuries that rear their ugly heads once again. But, nonetheless, a fitness regime is essential in everyone’s lifestyles - and the advancing years shouldn’t mean you should step off of the brakes.

We’ve spoken with various fitness experts and nutritionists to get answers to the questions you’ve been asking so that you can get back on track.

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